Let’s Start on Your Website Company Name * What is the desired website name for your new page? * www.________.com (i.e. www.builtbybrandy.com) Do you already own this domain? Yes No, but I checked and it's available No, and I need to check to make sure it's No, but I checked and it's available Email for Website Inquiries * This is the email you'd like for people to email when they have questions about your services. This can sometimes look like "info@..." Please provide a brief description of what the company is about / what you are providing to your customers. * Please list any active social media sites (facebook, twitter, instagram). What are your company colors? Are there any additional pages needed for your website? About Us Page About Us Appointment Booking Membership Area Pricing Blog Website References Are there are website(s) you've viewed within your industry that you'd like to see incorporated into your website. Please provide as many references as you'd like. Deposit Agreement * I understand that a 50% deposit is required before services begin. Upon completion of the website, the owner is responsible for purchasing the domain and the website hosting to make the site live and accessible to consumers. Please refer to your Square invoice to submit payment. I understand Thank you!